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Regional NGO partnership pivotal in tackling transboundary haze with a holistic approach

PM Haze

PM Haze is an NGO (non-government organisation) that serves to tackle the problem of transboundary haze in Singapore through local outreach programmes with the overall objectives of guiding Singaporeans towards sustainable consumption of palm oil and pulp products, as well as helping Malaysian and Indonesian communities explore alternative, sustainable livelihoods through community empowerment.

You might be familiar with the former but are you aware of the latter, which involves regional outreach campaigns. So, how do we achieve it in Singapore? Well, all this would not have been possible without regional NGOs like EKA (Ekonomi Kreatif Andalan).

EKA is an Indonesian NGO that is formed by members of the Sungai Tohor village, whose aim is to revitalise the local community through rewetting and revegetating the peatland in Sungai Tohor. EKA acts as the local liaison that provides first-hand assistance to the local community while PM Haze provides logistics and knowledge pertaining to alternative livelihoods and peat restoration. Through this partnership, PM Haze and EKA is able to create holistic, reconciliatory methods to attenuate SG transboundary haze while not jeopardising the livelihoods of the Sungai Tohor community.


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